Heritage Vancouver - Bulletin

Event: Joy Kogawa Remembers

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+ Event: Joy Kogawa Remembers -
A Vancouver Heritage Success Story

Thursday, May 26th, 7pm to 9pm
Historic Joy Kogawa House, 1450 West 64th Ave, Vancouver
Tickets: $75 TLC and Heritage Vancouver members; $100 non-members
Includes wine and hors d'oeuvres reception (Tax receipts will be issued)

Photo - Joy KogawaEvent
Join Canadian author Joy Kogawa and heritage consultant Donald Luxton for an evening of story telling, and celebration of a significant Vancouver Heritage Success Story. This is a unique opportunity to experience Joy in conversation with Donald as she reminisces about her childhood memories of living at 1450 West 64th Avenue. Joy and Donald will also take you on guided tours of the house and garden and you will have the opportunity to discover The Land Conservancy’s restoration plans for the site.

The Historic Joy Kogawa House was featured on Heritage Vancouver’s 2005 Top Ten Endangered Sites at a time when demolition of the building seemed inevitable. Thanks to the efforts of The Land Conservancy of BC (TLC) and a grassroots organization of community activists, donations were received from more than 500 people across Canada and the house was purchased in 2006.

The Kogawa House has special literary significance as the childhood home of acclaimed Canadian author Joy Kogawa, and now operates as a writer’s centre that regularly hosts literary events and an annual writer-in-residence program. The Land Conservancy is about to embark on restoration of this important Vancouver landmark house. It has been identified as one of Heritage Vancouver’s Success Stories.

This unique event, co-presented by Heritage Vancouver Society and The Land Conservancy of BC, is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to experience the intimacy of the Joy Kogawa House. The event is a fundraiser in support of the restoration of the house and of Heritage Vancouver’s heritage conservation initiatives.

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Find out more:
Historic Joy Kogawa House at kogawahouse@yahoo.ca
Heritage Vancouver at www.heritagevancouver.org
The Land Conservancy at www.conservancy.bc.ca


Tickets (Tax receipts will be issued):

On-line: > via Paypal at heritagevancouver.org/payments.html
(Paypal account not required). Print your receipt and bring to the event.

Cheque: made out to Heritage Vancouver Society and mailed to: Heritage Vancouver, PO Box 3336, Main Post Office, Vancouver, BC, V6B 3Y3. Please let us know if you've mailed a cheque at info@heritagevancouver.org.


Photo credits:

Header image; monnibo via Flickr; yarnboming at the Historic Joy Kogawa house.

Toddish McWong; Joy Kogawa holds the Globe & Mail Story about the revealing of the $500,000 anonymous donor who helped save her childhood home from demolition, to become a literary and historic landmark and a writers-in-residence program.



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Heritage Vancouver Society
PO Box 3336, Main Post Office, Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3Y3
Message line 604 254-9411 | info@heritagevancouver.org

Creating a Future for Heritage – Heritage Vancouver encourages the community to preserve, restore, and appreciate Vancouver’s heritage structures.




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